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Serial Title Source Date Hits 135 Questions the media won't ask George W. Bush Michael Perelman 99/08/29/13:08 550 134 Biblical Support for Abortion Michael Hoover 99/08/20/12:49 573 133 Re: Abortion and communication Ellen Frank 99/08/16/12:43 530 132 HAT PINS Keith Mullis 99/08/14/17:24 538 131 Re: Re: Abortion Yoshie Furuhashi 99/08/15/13:20 547 130 Insulated Realities Jim Craven 99/08/12/00:17 531 129 Weapons Tribe update Lisa & Ian Murray 99/08/07/16:38 576 128 Environmental degradation Louis Proyect 99/08/05/22:54 528 127 China: U.S. Target Charles Brown 99/07/30/15:35 544 126 Dalai Lama/Today's Tibet Macdonald Stainsby 99/07/27/22:22 514 125 Education of our youth James Michael Craven 99/07/24/00:04 569 124 ethnic nationalism in the U.S. Dave Anderson 99/07/21/23:41 537
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