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Serial Title Source Date Hits 111 David McReynold's critique of DSA Louis Proyect 99/06/17/14:33 531 110 "It's the Russians, Stupid" Sid Shniad 99/06/15/10:42 528 109 Reformatted exchange between Yoshie and Kathe (Pollitt?) Louis Proyect 99/06/15/10:09 624 108 UNITING WORKERS AND STUDENTS, A NEW MOVEMENT IS BORN Mark Derderian 99/06/14/01:27 541 107 The Price of NATO's "Humanitarianism" Michael Eisenscher 99/06/10/09:53 512 106 Re: Kosovar Attack on Gypsies Yoshie Furuhashi 99/06/09/00:02 559 105 Re: Comparing Clinton regime Henry C.K. Liu 99/06/08/23:59 589 104 YUGOSLAVIA 'HAS BEEN BOMBED BACK TO 1945' Sid Shniad 99/06/08/23:56 531 103 dsanet: Springer counsels Academia Dave Anderson 99/06/08/23:52 540 102 Daring the list Brad De Long 99/06/07/13:24 554 101 dsanet: Winning and Losing in Yugoslavia Dave Anderson 99/06/06/21:39 627 100 JUNE 5TH ANTI-WAR PERMIT DENIED Stephanie Phibbs 99/06/05/15:40 537
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