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Serial Title Source Date Hits 591 The policy myopia that will damage America ListMeister 04/01/13/02:42 598 590 Pervasive envy Louis Proyect 04/01/11/14:59 645 589 Iraq: the legal contradictions of market construction Eubulides 04/01/10/17:08 633 588 That Pesky Bush-Hitler Thing Michael Hoover 04/01/08/13:30 616 587 BUSH'S ELECTION-YEAR DILEMMA IN IRAQ ListMeister 04/01/08/01:32 613 586 Whither America's Homegrown Terrorists? ListMeister 04/01/08/01:29 620 585 the cash crop called water Eubulides 04/01/04/21:48 592 584 Paul Robeson, the Artist as Activist and Social Thinker ListMeister 04/01/04/21:17 654 583 The Avocado Declaration Louis Proyect 04/01/03/13:47 630 582 Happy New Year Dan Scanlan 03/12/31/16:54 602 581 finally israel does something right Michael Perelman 03/12/31/13:54 586 580 Junkie politics of the criminal bourgeoisie Jurriaan Bendien 03/12/29/15:46 771
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