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Serial Title Source Date Hits 1431 The Social Democratic Illusion, by Wallerstein Louis Proyect 11/11/15/12:33 591 1430 The Man Who Changed Everything Robert Duvall 11/11/14/01:37 613 1429 Art Preis on the New Deal Louis Proyect 11/11/12/09:39 621 1428 Bloated bureaucracies in Higher Ed are draining resources Dave Anderson 11/11/04/13:46 652 1427 How Social Security went ‘cash negative’ Steve Zeltzer 11/11/03/17:16 594 1426 Novel based on life in an economics department Louis Proyect 11/10/24/11:14 578 1425 Heritage Plaza Event Space conceived D. Ohmans 15/04/22/17:26 833 1424 Liberal groups split on CO Prop 103 tax-increase measure Dave Anderson 11/10/21/15:00 631 1423 Todd Gitlin on 'Occupy Wall Street' Dave Anderson 11/10/11/00:37 565 1422 at least there's a recovery of poverty... Jim Devine 11/09/21/12:43 584 1421 Narcissistic disorder? Louis Proyect 11/09/14/00:22 598 1420 Re: Re: Re: col. Q he dead? Louis Proyect 11/08/25/15:08 575
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