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Serial Title Source Date Hits 830 get that ice floe ready! Jim Devine 05/06/08/03:20 567 829 Why Jean Berthet decided to work with the FLN Louis Proyect 05/06/04/03:24 632 828 anti-capitalism as commodity Charles Darwin 05/06/04/03:21 600 827 Joseph Massad on the witch-hunt at Columbia University Louis Proyect 05/06/04/03:16 574 826 Laboršs Civil War Steve Zeltzer 05/06/02/03:59 553 825 Nader: Impeach Dan Scanlan 05/06/01/00:29 549 824 Sanders Leading Polls in Vermont Senate Race Michael Hoover 05/05/30/23:56 582 823 pot trial Jim Devine 05/05/27/18:03 579 822 Rise of the Quasi Government News for Social Justice Action 05/05/27/01:15 555 821 Christianity and capitalism Louis Proyect 05/05/26/23:53 556 820 CEO Pay Michael Hoover 05/05/19/23:47 561
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