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Serial Title Source Date Hits 315 The "War against Terrorism" and the Future of Capitalism Jim Devine 01/09/30/17:47 550 314 History lesson from Sam Pizzigati Robert Borosage 01/09/26/13:47 577 313 The Left Responds Dave Anderson 01/09/25/01:59 547 312 Why? Cecilia Granados 01/09/25/01:47 553 311 Re: military keynesianism Michael Perelman 01/09/18/03:30 583 310 Wayne Morse of Oregon Carrol Cox 01/09/17/01:08 516 309 From Stan Goff (fmr officer US Army) re "response" Macdonald Stainsby 01/09/16/10:45 543 308 Terrorist use of chemical and biological attacks Ken Hanly 01/09/16/02:08 555 307 Where violence comes from - Rabbi Lerner Dave Anderson 01/09/12/12:03 582 306 Salvador Allende Dave Anderson 01/09/11/01:31 556 305 Blue Gold, the global water crisis Dave Anderson 01/08/28/01:09 573 304 MISSILE DEFENSE A THREAT Bob Kinsey 01/08/14/01:37 533
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