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Serial Title Source Date Hits 399 Darth Vader-ism (re Wellstone) Ian Murray 02/12/08/22:30 582 398 Charles Tilly on War Ian Murray 02/12/03/01:35 567 397 John Nichols ANTI-WAR SPEECH Laura McCall 02/11/25/22:33 547 396 the ObL theory of international relations Ian Murray 02/11/25/13:29 558 395 The Other War, by Gary Hart Dave Anderson 02/11/23/10:02 552 394 dem dim Dems' dead Dan Scanlan 02/11/19/19:11 564 393 Official: US oil at the heart of Iraq crisis Ken Hanly 02/11/18/20:52 558 392 Gore Supports Single-Payer Dave Anderson 02/11/14/16:12 566 391 Prairie Home Companion's Garrison Keillor of Minnesota on GOP exploitation of 9/11 Dave Anderson 02/11/14/16:01 534 390 Glossary of Right Wing Sectors on Foreign Policy Dave Anderson 02/11/11/01:55 595 389 dem loss: analysis anyone? Louis Proyect 02/11/08/12:24 590 388 against "lesser of two evils" Jim Devine 02/11/01/12:41 538
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