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Serial Title Source Date Hits 687 Electoral Hysteria Carrol Cox 04/07/24/01:44 579 686 he's a saint... Jim Devine 04/07/23/01:47 587 685 Kerry on the campaign trail Louis Proyect 04/07/22/13:18 589 684 Another Democratic Party presidential candidate Louis Proyect 04/07/21/14:04 624 683 The hidden issue of class, by Robert Kuttner News for Social Justice Action 04/07/21/13:56 570 682 NEW Thomas Frank op-ed piece Jim Devine 04/07/21/00:27 596 681 PAUL KRUGMAN: Bush's medical plan: Class warfare Diane Monaco 04/07/19/13:02 582 680 British politics Chris Burford 04/07/18/23:06 613 679 Hegel: absolute general law of capitalist accumulation Ted Winslow 04/07/16/13:07 600 678 Galbraith Dan Scanlan 04/07/16/12:55 556 677 Audio transcript of Nader-Dean debate Louis Proyect 04/07/12/12:30 602 676 like father, like son Dan Scanlan 04/07/04/20:12 633
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