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Serial Title Source Date Hits 1239 Re: Dear Activist Councilor Ray Aguilera 08/04/14/09:33 605 1238 An activist's view Larry Fancher 08/04/12/07:08 569 1237 Testimony Alvin Rivera, PhD 08/04/11/17:49 624 1236 Is the House's Health Bill Really Worse than Nothing? Dave Anderson 09/11/25/08:57 555 1235 The Decline of the Left in the 20th Century Dave Anderson 09/11/18/22:57 573 1234 Ethics and why the Financial Crisis is insoluble Charles Brown 09/11/17/22:39 576 1233 Rwanda: the Case [such as it is] for Humanitarian Intervention Michael Perelman 09/11/15/22:05 541 1232 Why Kucinich voted no on health care "reform" Louis Proyect 09/11/09/08:35 557 1231 Obama's foreign policy report card Charles Brown 09/10/31/06:21 572 1230 Re: The mechanics of socialism Carrol Cox 09/10/24/07:32 575 1229 The mechanics of socialism Robert Gassler 09/10/23/00:33 613 1228 Get Out of Afghanistan Now Charles Brown 09/10/17/11:22 538
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