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Serial Title Source Date Hits 927 Galloway Jim Devine 06/07/19/08:56 559 926 the middle east Jim Devine 06/07/18/12:17 558 925 Democrats "out-Tancredo Tancredo" Louis Proyect 06/07/13/10:02 524 924 Pipeline politics Louis Proyect 06/07/11/09:50 545 923 the wages of U.S. individualism Jim Devine 06/06/23/09:18 545 922 China coal contradictions Louis Proyect 06/06/11/08:28 523 921 The War Prayer, by Mark Twain Jim Zelenski 06/06/06/21:34 615 920 Eleven Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Military David Swanson 06/06/04/07:23 522 919 Water crisis Louis Proyect 06/05/31/21:34 529 918 Ahmadinejad, the Mardomyar Yoshie Furuhashi 06/05/21/20:38 539 917 and you think economic forecasting is bad? Jim Devine 06/05/16/21:42 527 916 Buchanan on Baiting Putin Ken Hanly 06/05/12/09:33 577
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