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Serial Title Source Date Hits 243 Unsafe in any state, by Todd Gitlin Dave Anderson 00/10/28/16:27 547 242 Underachiever Bush Just Won't Do, by Robert Scheer Dave Anderson 00/10/22/23:41 557 241 Noam Chomsky on Milosevic Ouster Gar Lipow 00/10/12/01:45 525 240 Latin American exports Louis Proyect 00/10/05/18:00 557 239 Planning Laura McCall 00/09/24/22:25 564 238 The market as god Jim Devine 00/09/19/23:41 521 237 Recession warnings Michael Perelman 00/09/10/10:53 546 236 Albert Beveridge: "The March of the Flag" Louis Proyect 00/09/08/11:58 574 235 Special report: Kosovo Dave Anderson 00/08/29/14:31 551 234 What Lenin really stood for Louis Proyect 00/08/24/01:23 550 233 Re: increasing profit rates Doug Henwood 00/08/23/13:37 560 232 Reasons Not to vote for Nader Dave Anderson 00/08/20/00:11 534
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