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Serial Title Source Date Hits 1647 Trudeaumania redux Marv Gandall 16/09/10/23:01 1037 1646 U.S. military escalation in Syria Robert Naiman 16/09/06/19:47 952 1645 Lesser Evil? James Creegan 16/08/01/19:38 896 1644 Abolish Police Departments As We Know Them Carrol Cox 16/07/16/23:04 969 1643 The legacy of Joe McCarthy lives on Dave Anderson 16/07/07/23:49 906 1642 Interview of Elon Musk Louis Proyect 16/07/04/14:06 843 1641 This year’s transatlantic electoral surprise Louis Proyect 16/06/20/11:30 836 1640 Uptown Trump Marv Gandall 16/04/23/16:41 872 1639 How Trump Happened Louis Proyect 16/04/07/13:57 983 1638 Sanders Outlines Middle East Policy Dave Anderson 16/03/27/22:04 956 1637 Greek Stalinists "explain" homosexuality Louis Proyect 16/03/19/02:23 864 1636 "Scalia was an intellectual phony" M. Raghu 16/02/21/17:15 858
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