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Serial Title Source Date Hits 291 Airline deregulation II Louis Proyect 01/05/07/14:53 559 290 Airline deregulation I Louis Proyect 01/05/07/14:52 544 289 Review of Pomeranz book Louis Proyect 01/04/28/00:50 513 288 Energy for the New Millennium, by Denis Hayes Dave Anderson 01/04/24/21:02 535 287 Exchange with an Iranian student Louis Proyect 01/04/17/23:33 532 286 the main task of authors Carrol Cox 01/04/17/23:28 569 285 On Easter Day Bob Kinsey 01/04/17/07:41 522 284 Democrats are clueless Dave Anderson 01/03/29/13:24 554 283 Gray on global deflation Ian Murray 01/03/26/22:59 576 282 Reds in Russia Ken Hanly 01/03/26/16:33 569 281 Brad DeLong on Nader Brad DeLong 01/03/25/13:53 590 280 New York City social indicators Louis Proyect 01/03/22/01:01 545
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