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Serial Title Source Date Hits 279 Dumbing down, American-style, by Herbert Schiller Dave Anderson 01/03/17/21:12 563 278 election tampering? Sharman Braff 01/03/08/18:46 561 277 Cuban Impressions Dave Anderson 01/02/28/11:32 559 276 America Gets Candid About What Colombia Needs Yoshie Furuhashi 01/02/25/12:56 541 275 facts about US income and inequality Louis Proyect 01/02/19/10:40 580 274 RIGHT WING POPULISM: TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Dave Anderson 01/02/18/14:12 552 273 The media normalize a rightwing coup d'etat, by Edward Herman Steve Zeltzer 01/02/09/10:35 568 272 Jackson's Corporate Shakedown Steve Zeltzer 01/02/05/22:37 610 271 THE LAST DAYS OF PG&E AND EDISON Dave Anderson 01/01/31/09:07 576 270 Corporations Dave Anderson 01/01/25/00:47 538 269 A surreal sleepwalker Dave Anderson 01/01/22/01:05 595 268 BLS DAILY REPORT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2001 D. Richardson 01/01/19/11:56 567
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