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Serial Title Source Date Hits 1467 The WSJ article that preceded the firing of U. Va. President Louis Proyect 12/06/22/16:29 541 1466 When Chomsky wept, by Fred Branfman Jim Devine 12/06/20/17:01 630 1465 Rise of the Managerial Class Dave Anderson 12/06/20/03:08 550 1464 Correction on Al Gore Joseph Green 12/06/08/11:15 578 1463 Tourism Grant Vote Trampled D. Ohmans 12/06/03/10:29 889 1462 Obama puts down red carpet for lobbyists Louis Proyect 12/05/21/11:41 576 1461 Occupy Wall Street: What Is To Be Done... Next? Dave Anderson 12/04/25/21:51 609 1460 commerce clause kaput? Jim Devine 12/03/31/12:53 595 1459 the SCOTUS health care decision Jim Devine 12/03/29/17:12 617 1458 Europeans choose sides over financial crisis Dave Anderson 12/03/21/16:38 566 1457 neocon nightmares of Iranian nukes kaput? Jim Devine 12/03/04/16:00 609 1456 "The New Jim Crow" is must-read for social justice movement Charles Brown 12/06/20/03:16 590
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