Other Resources

Counties & Municipalities

At GOLDENCO.ORG we believe that environmental sustainability makes economic sense and means good government. We're not alone. Below you will find a list of local governments whose web pages reflect the philosophy that quality of life and conservation of nature count for more than the mere increase of sales tax revenues. We've also included the City of Golden's and Jefferson County's web sites so that readers can view the contrast for themselves.
Burlington, Vermont

Golden, Colorado

Jefferson County, Colorado

Nottinghamshire, England

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Overcoming the Culture of (Corporate) Dependency

One of the big political stories these days is the confluence of fiscal conservatism and respect for nature. Environmentalists have been slow to understand that government is the primary developer. The entire cost, for example, of platting a subdivision or building a road is absorbed not by private industry but by the taxpayer. Fiscal conservatives have known this for years, and environmentalists can learn something from their concern about the politics of direct and indirect subsidy.
The Cato Institute ("Ending Corporate Welfare as We Know It")

The Colorado Public Interest Research Group (CoPIRG) ("Stop the Sprawl")

The Corporate Welfare Shame Page

Envirolink ("Model Laws to Curb Corporate Welfare Abuse")

The Independence Institute ("Growth")

The Utne Reader ("Ralph Nader Talks About Why It's Time to Take Big Business off the Dole")


This is an assortment of links. The unifying theme is that it's smarter to live off environmental income than off environmental capital.
Banneker Center for Economic Justice

Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development

E.F. Schumacher Society

Citizens for Eldorado Canyon

Citizens Involved in the Northwest Quadrant (CINQ)

Earthside (GOLDENCO.ORG's Counterpart in Arvada)

Front Range Mountain Backdrop Project

General Agreement on a New Economy

Jefferson County Open Space

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) On-line Industrial Ecology Bibliography

New Mexico Green Party ("Platform")

Plan Jeffco

Save The Mesas

Save Open Space (SOS)

Forces of Babbittry and Boosterism

"All labor agitators who try to force men to join a union should be hanged. In fact, just between ourselves, there oughtn't to be any unions allowed at all; and as it's the best way of fighting unions, every business man ought to belong to an employers' association and to the Chamber of Commerce. In union there is strength. So any selfish hog who doesn't join the Chamber of Commerce ought to be forced to." (Sinclair Lewis, Babbitt, 1922) Quickie Quiz: What member of the Golden City Council has served on the boards of three of the four entities listed below? Sorry, you won't win a ham on this one, but you can post your answer in the Virtual Town Hall.
Golden Civic Foundation

Golden Urban Renewal Authority (GURA)

Greater Golden Area Chamber of Commerce

Jefferson Economic Council

Northwest Metro Chamber of Commerce (Arvada & Westminster)

Historic Preservation

Historic preservation, i.e., the creative reuse of buildings, makes economic and environmental sense. More than that, historic preservationists conserve the bricks-and-mortar story of who we are as a community.
Golden Landmarks Association

Golden Pioneer Museum

Colorado Historical Society

Colorado Preservation, Inc.

Colorado Preservation Information Network

Historic Houston

Jefferson County Historical Commission

National Register of Historic Places

Self in Community

"What can I do as an individual?" Well, glad you asked. First of all, remember that you're never alone in a good cause. Second, change your life so that you you're less complicit in the culture of social and environmental deficit. We promise you'll have more fun. Here are a few links to help you get started (or encourage the adept).


The Center for a New American Dream

The New Road Map Foundation

Overcoming Consumerism

Redefining Progress


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