26 May 1999

Resolution 005: A Resolution Concerning Alternate Alignments for the C470 Beltway, the "Northwest Parkway."

WHEREAS, the unique beauty of the mountain backdrop north of Golden is threatened by encroaching development that would be accelerated by the US 6 / Hwy 93 alignment of the C470 Beltway;

WHEREAS, the topography of the Golden Valley traps both traffic noise and air pollution; and

WHEREAS, the proposed US 6 /Hwy 93 alignment is being driven more by real estate speculation than genuine transportation needs;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Golden aggressively promote transportation solutions that will route expressway traffic east of the Golden Valley.

Cast your own vote on Resolution 005:

Yes No Don't Know View
Shadow Council Member
City Council Member
Laura McCall, mayor (Ward 1)
Webb Aldrich (Ward 1)
Don Parker (Ward 2)
Jan Schenck, mayor (Ward 2)
Dave Kibler(Ward 3)
Ed Ramstetter (Ward 3)
Jean Starling (Ward 4)
Brian Starling (Ward 4)
Bob Nelson (At Large)
Carol Johnson, mayor pro tem (At Large)
Valerie Walker (District 1)
Bill McKee (District 1)
Bill Simpson, mayor, pro tem (District 2)
Chuck Baroch (District 2)


Shadow Council Comments

Laura McCall

"There is more at stake than the construction of the Northwest Parkway. What makes this road particularly troubling is that, if completed, it will finish a beltway around the Denver metropolitan region. Studies have determined the impact of beltways and, on several points, the statisticians concur--beltways contribute to traffic congestion and sprawl. They represent fiscal and environmental irresponsibility. they engulf open space and make it very difficult to plan public transportation corridors. They cost the taxpayers money because of the need for expanded services.

Developers and their minions will use scare tactics, arguing that growth is inevitable and necessary for our economic health and well-being. "If you don't grow you die" is the mantra of the developers. One could, on the other hand, argue that growth is a cancer that eats away at governmental coffers, open spaces, and the human spirit.

Covering the entire highway from north Golden to where Highway 6 meets Highway 40 (Colfax Avenue) does not solve the fundamental problem of beltways, which add congestion through additional driving and consume open space. The "lid" will not take away from the issues of accidents in the tunnel or hazardous cargo, both of which will pour onto Golden's local streets. Beltways promise short-term benefits for a few but long-term problems for the majority.

The City of Golden has taken the official stance that we must be reasonable and seek compromised solutions to this catastrophe that will change the character of our town. Remember, the word "compromise" does not only mean a settlement of differences in which each side makes concessions. It also means to surrender one's interests, principles, or integrity. Throughout history, there have been times when compromise was absolutely not acceptable.

[For the complete text of Laura McCall's comments, click here.]


Bill Simpson

 "Back in 1995 we saw the quality of life in our valley threatened by suburban sprawl, and a citizen-initiated 1% residential growth cap passed by a margin of 59% to 41%.

It is bitterly ironic that four years later quality of life in our valley is again under threat from the developers.

In order to facilitate their buildout along the Front Range, Arvada, Broomfield, and Westminster want to develop the northwest quadrant of the C-470 freeway system. The developers tell us that the six-lane road is 'inevitable' and that it must must pass through the narrow Golden valley, past the mouth of Clear Creek Canyon, and along the base of Lookout Mountain. Golden will get noise, smog, and a decreased quality of life. Arvada, Broomfield, and Westminster will get more development and increasing tax revenues.

I do not believe that a beltway is 'inevitable.' Arvada, Broomfield, and Westminster have chosen suburban sprawl and virulent growth. At the bare minimum justice requires that development in these three cities pull its own weight. These three cities need to internalize their traffic problems, not export them onto Golden.


Bob Nelson

 "I think that some form of beltway is inevitable at some point in time, but it does not have to be a 65 MPH freeway through town. I support the concept of improvements along the Indiana Street, McIntyre Street, and Ward Road Corridors to lessen the burden on Hwy 93, but I don't think that those improvements are the final solution."


Dave Kibler

"This highway will be a disaster for Golden. We have absolutely nothing to gain from it. It has been portrayed as a parkway in an effort to make us less fearful of it. But shortly after completion it will look a lot more like I-70 and will destroy all that this town has fought so hard to maintain. No concessions, like 'lids' or lowered speed limits can ever make this highway acceptable to Golden. These things may quiet the noise slightly, but the smog will always be there.

We should not allow the Northwest Quadrant Study to presuppose the Hwy 93 alignment. this would be nothing more than giving in to Arvada's development plans. there will come a time, perhaps we're there now, when it will be time to stop attempting to negotiate with Arvada and Westminster. If they continue to take the hardball stance that they will build the road no matter what the objection, then there is no more reason to discuss it with them. At that point we need to go head-to-head with them and get the state to help. From the standpoint of reason and recognition of the true intent behind Arvada's plans, we have a strong case. There is simply no reason to allow them to have their way when it will be so costly to Golden.

There are times when compromise is absolutely not appropriate, and this is one of those times. Any sign of weakness on our part, any willingness to give in, and they'll be here with every bulldozer they have. The only answer we should ever have for the proponents of the Northwest Parkway through Golden is NO.

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