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Serial Title Source Date Hits 1362 Heil Pueblo County, home of Boebert D. Ohmans 21/12/08/14:39 198 1361 Welfare State for the Rich David Richardson 21/03/25/13:56 222 1360 Dean Baker on 'meaningless' National Debt David Richardson 21/03/25/13:42 241 1359 Vaccine imperialism's latest tricks Patrick Bond 21/03/25/13:35 235 1358 Bourgeois economics worst academic field in which to be a woman Patrick Bond 21/03/25/13:18 263 1357 The rise of "behavioral man" Patrick Bond 21/03/25/13:07 224 1354 Mainstreaming deglobalisation (Dani Rodrik) Patrick Bond 21/02/23/21:58 227 1353 The supply curve Michael Meeropol 19/06/13/11:05 285 1352 Whistling Past the Graveyard Louis Proyect 19/04/21/00:22 325 1351 To Combat Rising Rents: Expropriate Big Landlords Marv Gandall 19/04/13/12:40 352
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