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Serial Title Source Date Hits 882 Chicago Tribune on the DeFazio bailout alternative Robert Naiman 08/10/02/09:25 214 881 that fabulous Baker boy on the bail-out Jim Devine 08/10/01/11:52 215 880 1873, not 1929 Louis Proyect 08/10/01/11:51 213 879 Learning from 1929 Dave Anderson 08/09/30/23:13 218 878 The United States and the World: Where Are We Headed? Mark Weisbrot 08/09/29/14:50 232 877 Debtors' leverage: China's fear of a US default Marvin Gandall 08/09/25/08:58 213 876 My take - any comments? Marvin Gandall 08/09/25/08:52 207 875 Will the Cure be Worse Than the Crisis? Louis Proyect 08/09/22/10:12 209 874 Progressive Conditions for a Bailout Dean Baker 08/09/22/09:14 210 873 You were expecting maybe a panacea? Tom Walker 08/09/21/20:00 194 872 Paulson Bailout Plan a Historic Swindle Dave Anderson 08/09/20/21:16 210 871 The End of the Blue Chip Economy Louis Proyect 08/09/17/22:23 219
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