Approved for Open Space
We want to keep it that way until it can be purchased.Habitat for Birds, Animals and Plants A Zone of Tranquility between Golden and Denver A Rare, Unique and Historical Place
A resource for the future where people can be alone with nature while still within the metro area.How
Oppose the Coors family's willingness to see commercial development on their landmark by contacting: * Leo Bradley - 303/278-3300 * Peter Coors, P.O. Box 4030, NH 300, Golden, CO 80401Propose ways to buy and preserve all of South Table Mountain. Consider Jefferson County's successful S. O. S. program. Contact government decision makers. Tell them you want the mountain preserved as Open Space: * Golden City Council - 303/384-8015 * County Commisioners - 303/271-8525 100 Jefferson County Pkwy. Golden, CO 80401 * Governor's Office - 303/866-2471For information, call Save The Mesas at 303/279-5177. Plus...