
News that matters for people that matter

The Pueblo Informer


A voter preparedness guide by Pueblo Action                ==                      Issue #1,  Feb. 2004


Knowing Makes a Difference


2004 may be the most important election year in U.S. politics in a long time.  The issues at stake have real impact on the lives of all Americans.  These include jobs, wages, health care, a clean environment, education, war and peace, life and freedom.


The 2004 budget deficit is expected to soar at $477 billion! (U.S. Congressional Budget Office) Without the surplus from the Social Security trust funds the deficit would be $631 billion!  That threatens Social Security. The national debt approaches $6 trillon! Government spending is out of control and its not helping people who are hurting.  We subsidize wealthy corporations and pass on the debt to our children. 


The cost of the war and occupation in Iraq is staggering in terms of lives and money and doubts linger about just how many lives will be lost and how much will be spent.  Government secrecy is at an all time high and it is hard to get good information. 


Democracy works best when we are inform-ed and participate in decision making.  In fact this is the only way it can work well.  Yet most of us are not informed and do not participate in the political process.  Many dont vote.  Often we either do not understand the issues or candidates.  Often we believe we cannot make a difference. 


The Pueblo Informer provides news, information and analysis that we hope will help people understand the issues in an election year. All of us want to provide the basic needs for our families.  As you will see, the situation is serious and requires our action.  We hope it will encourage more people to participate in the political process and make a difference. 

Health Care A Big Issue for People

One in five people in Pueblo County doesnt have insurance,1 while the cost rises each year.  Even if you make $19.00 an hour, you could have trouble paying for insurance.2 In the next 12 months, all of the presidential candidates will be telling you what they think about fixing the health care mess.  Heres what you need to know       Page 2-3


Hard Times, Empty Pocketbooks

People are experiencing difficult times in Pueblo and throughout the state and country.  Most wages do not suffice to meet the needs of working people.  What is the economy doing to people and for people?  What are our political leaders doing to help or hurt?                             Page 4-5


CEOs WIN, Workers Lose!

Most Americans are feeling the pain of low wages, higher costs, loss of benefits and pensions, and less assistance from states when they have emergency needs.  CEOs at top corporations are raking in the profits from layoffs, tax dodging, raids on pensions, and fraud.  Are the President and Congress for sale?  Learn more    Page  5


Our Votes Count!

In Pueblo, in Colorado, and in the nation, voting can make a difference.  Yet so few vote.  Will we choose leaders in 2004 who will make good decisions on issues that affect us every day?  Will they have integrity?  Or will big money and corp-orations choose them for us?  Learn why being involved is important                           Page 7

Youre Invited!  PUBLIC FORUM Mar. 31th

Learn more on these issuessee page 8
