
Conserve Colorado
Please Support
City of Golden
Don Parker
Evergreen, CO
Save The Mesas
House District 25
Vote Smart
State Representative
Voting Machine
                      If you elect me, here is what you get:
                      The costs of growth are exceeding the benefits, and
                      government is promoting and subsidizing development too
                      much, hurting schools, roads, and taxpayers. Taxes
                      should not be raised to cover the extra costs of growth.
                      I will offer bills to keep growth from hurting existing
                      residents and existing businesses, and make growth pay
                      its way.   
                      Conserve Colorado - Agricultural and natural lands are
                      disappearing at an alarming rate.  We need to act
                      quickly to save undeveloped land by purchases and
                      incentives to encourage protection. It is time to cut
                      government promotion of development. My professional
                      expertise is the environment, with graduate degrees in
                      environmental engineering and law.
                      Education is our best long-term investment. Every child
                      needs to attend a high quality school. Let's invest
                      some surplus revenue in schools and reduce class size. 
                      Also I will introduce a bill so schools can receive
                      impact fees to help cover the costs of accommodating 
                      growth. I favor charter schools and work internships for
                      credit available to high school students.  
                      Government can seem disconnected from citizens but we are
                      the bosses. Government is to serve citizens in whatever
                      manner we want and it is our responsibility as citizens
                      to direct it. I will look for opportunities in every
                      bill to increase government efficiency. Government 
                      should not interfere in personal decisions regarding
                      abortion; but we can reduce abortions by promoting
                      responsibility, including abstinence and birth control.
                      Taxes - Some of the surplus can be used to lower taxes so
                      that families and individuals could earn a little more
                      before taxes begin to bite.
                      Quality of community life is critical. That includes
                      open space, recreation areas, and community gathering
                      places, as well as private and civic organizations and
                      how we treat each other. I give every person respect no
                      matter how much we disagree. One of my aims is to help
                      restore civility, tolerance, moderation and substance to
                      our politics. We have a lot to be thankful for and
                      hopeful about so we should be very optimistic about the
                      Listen to people, keep an open mind, and have 
                      an attitude of public service.
                      Support the private sector and workers. Both are basic
                      to a healthy economy.  Everybody should enjoy the fruits
                      of his or her labor.
                      Reduce the influence of money in politics.
                      Protect privacy, speech, religious freedom, and the other
                      individual rights, which make our country great; and
                      recognize that with rights come responsibilities.
                      Government is not to rule us but to serve us. Maintain
                      constant vigilance to make government efficient and
                      Realize government cannot solve all our problems, but can
                      help equip people to help themselves.
                      Do not mislead people or try to please everybody.
                      25 years experience in small business, large business,
                      government, and as a small business owner, including 15
                      years in environmental protection emphasizing hazardous
                      waste cleanup, chemical regulation, and water quality
                      First Chairman of Save the Mesas, a citizens group to
                      preserve North and South Table Mountains for Open Space
                      Jefferson County Open Space Advisory Committee
                      (1994-1997) and Jefferson County Planning Commission
                      Colorado native - grew up on a ranch and farm near
                      Sedgwick, Colorado
                      Environmental Biology (1975), University of Colorado,
                      Bachelors Degree Environmental Engineering (1981), Johns
                      Hopkins University, Masters Degree Doctor of Law (1987),
                      University of Denver (night school while working full
                      Happily married 10 years, amateur botanist, amateur
                      This is my application to you to serve you at the State
                      Capitol. I could really use your contributions for
                      printing and mailing costs, and your votes in the Primary
                      and General elections. If you want to volunteer or have
                      ideas or suggestions, call me at home. A contribution
                      to People for Parker at my address (below) would help
                      reach more people.
                      I am a Democrat who is also supported by many Republicans
                      and Independents. Paid for by contributors to People
                      for Parker. Complying with the voluntary campaign
                      spending limits set by the voters in 1996.
Donald G. Parker
305 Lookout View Dr.
Golden, CO 80401

Paid for by People for Parker