YOU ARE NOW CONNECTED TO THE TOXLINE (1981 FORWARD, NON-ROYALTY) FILE. ==PLEXOPATHY RADIOTHERAPY - HODGKIN'S== 1 AUTHOR Numata K AUTHOR Ito M AUTHOR Uchiyama S AUTHOR Kobayashi I AUTHOR Takemiya T AUTHOR Maruyama S TITLE [A case of delayed radiation lumbo-sacral plexopathy] SOURCE No To Shinkei; VOL 42, ISS 7, 1990, P629-33 (REF: 20) ABSTRACT We report a 47-year-old woman who developed a slowly progressive lumbosacral plexopathy with mixed sensorimotor losses in the lower extremities. The symptoms were apparent 8 years after x-ray irradiation for an ovarian carcinoma. Neurological examination showed mild weakness and absent deep tendon reflexes of bilateral lower extremities, and hypesthesia to all modalities in anterior aspects of bilateral lower thighs, in dorsum pedis and soles. Extensive investigations regarding the possibility of tumor recurrence were negative. Computed tomography of pelvis showed abnormal soft tissue densities around the lumbosacral plexus. Intravenous pyelography showed bilateral hydronephrosis and narrowed ureters at the first sacral vertebra level. These findings are consistent with radiation-induced fibrosis rather than tumor infiltration. The results suggest the entrapment lumbosacral plexopathy due to surrounding fibrosis after irradiation. We speculated the sensorimotor losses caused by entrapment of the lumbosacral plexus. 13 AUTHOR NADER S AUTHOR SCHULTZ PN AUTHOR FULLER LM AUTHOR SAMAAN NA TITLE Calcium status following neck radiation therapy in Hodgkins disease. SOURCE ARCH INTERN MED; 144 (8). 1984. 1577-1578. ABSTRACT HEEP COPYRIGHT: BIOL ABS. Substantial evidence links the development of primary hyperparathyroidism with a medical history of neck radiation therapy for benign disease. This report concerns 220 patients with Hodgkin's disease treated with neck irradiation. Serum Ca levels were analyzed 2-22 yr after radiotherapy. Hyperparathyroidism was confirmed at surgery in 1 patient with hypercalcemia 15 yr after radiotherapy. The maximum follow-up was 22 yr and in a reported series the mean interval between irradiation and the development of hyperparathyroidism has ranged from 29-47 yr. Patients who have received neck radiation therapy for malignant disease evidently are not at an increased risk for the development of hyperparathyroidism in the first 2 decades following treatment but should continue to be screened for this development in subsequent decades. 16 AUTHOR Anon TITLE Hodgkins Disease: The Side Effects of Radiotherapy. January, 1978-November, 1980 (Citations from the Energy Data Base) SOURCE Govt Reports Announcements & Index (GRA&I), Issue 11, 1981 ABSTRACT TD3: This retrospective bibliography contains citations concerning the risk of radiation therapy in the treatment of Hodgkin's disease. The results of radiation therapy have increased the five year survival rate; however, radiation has also increased the risk of new cancers arising as a result of this therapy. Many case studies are cited. (Contains 76 citations, fully indexed and including a table of contents.) Rept. for Jan 78-Nov 80. 15 AUTHOR Anon TITLE Hodgkins Disease: The Side Effects of Radiotherapy. January, 1978-December, 1981 (Citations from the Energy Data Base) SOURCE Govt Reports Announcements & Index (GRA&I), Issue 05, 1982 ABSTRACT TD3: This bibliography contains citations concerning the possible side effects of radiotherapy following the successful treatment of Hodgkins disease. The five year survival rate and the increased risk of new neoplasms arising as a result of therapy are considered. Case histories are discussed. (This updated bibliography contains 92 citations, 16 of which are new entries to the previous edition.) Rept. for Jan 78-Dec 81.