PACE Charges Imerys with Violating the Law

SO FAR, PACE HAS CHARGED Imerys with seven (7) serious violations of U.S. Labor laws at its Sylacauga, Alabama plant. The National Labor Relations Board is currently investigating these charges.

The charges include:

  1. The employer has threatened and harassed pro-union employees because of their activities.

  2. Agents of the employer have threatened a pro-union employee with physical harm because of his concerted, protected activities.

  3. The employer has solicited employees to withdraw union authorization cards and offered monetary incentives to employees to repudiate support for the union.

  4. The employer has interrogated and surveilled employees for purposes of ascertaining and documenting their sentiments regarding union organizing.

  5. The above-named employer has financed and otherwise supported a group of anti-union campaigners known as the "A-Team."

  6. The employer has permitted employees opposed to union organizing to campaign on company time, and permitted supervisors to campaign on company time, but denied equal time and access to pro-union employees.

  7. The employer promoted anti-union campaigners while denying promotions to similarity-situated pro-union employees.
If these charges are found to have merit, the National Labor Relations Board will then prosecute Imerys for this law breaking and will seek appropriate remedies and penalties.