Help Elect Moe Keller!

You can use this form to tell friends and voters, MOE KELLER FOR STATE SENATOR
Just enter your e-mail address and your destination e-mail addresses, and click Submit!

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Your friend(s) will be sent the following:

Hi. I agree with Doug, a co-founder of
Save The Mesas, regarding the following:

> Hello. Moe Keller is running for
> State Senator in Colorado District 20.
> She has made obtaining South Table
> Mountain for Open Space a centerpiece
> of her campaign. If you agree with
> that objective, Moe Keller needs your
> help! Her opponent has mounted a
> vicious, slanderous campaign against
> her, financed by those who wish to
> control the Colorado Senate and weaken
> checks and balances. Please visit
> to send this message to five voters and
> friends. Let us MOEBILIZE at the
> grassroots to defeat the enemies of
> Moe Keller! Thank you very much.
> Doug