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Picketing at another Baltimore Crown station
Author Mary Kambic
Date 99/06/19/21:28

Today, I jumped the gun and before "Adopting a Station" close to my church, I went out with my son and picketed the station for an hour and a half. We turned away many customers and got a chance to dialogue with African cab drivers who patronize the station "because it's cheap." At the end, the police came and warned us not to block traffic (many cars were stopping to get literature." then they asked for our birth dates and address. I knew this was because Crown had lovely birthday greetings for us! I'll be looking anxiously in my mailbox for flowery greetings!
Actually, I had been steamed after a letter criticizing boycott coordinator Ed Rothstein appeared in the Baltimore Sun written by Donald Hutchinson, head of the Greater Baltimore Committee. Ed had criticized the choice of Crown attorney J.Coale as a member of the Injured Workers' Fund. Mr. Hutchinson had served as keynote speaker at a Catholic archdiocesan seminar, for which I served on the planning committee. I am now thrilled to see where Mr. Hutchinson stands on issues concerning workers! On another front, the Catholic Labor Committee will join other peace and justice friends at a reception next Friday for Bishop Frank Murphy, who is fighting cancer. As an auxiliary bishop, he has long been active in justice issues, and I'm happy to report that labor supporters will take time out to honor a man who has stood up for the underdog! That's all for Irish skin looks a tad red from standing in front of Crown, and it's begging for Noxzema! (I hope this skin care product is union!)

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