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Archive of Postings I
Author D. Ohmans
Date 99/05/06/14:14
Ed Rothstein
We could use your help on the Loyola campus as Fr. Ridley
has avoided talking to our Catholic Support committee. He
can't continue to ignore what Crown is doing down in
Texas while he sits on the Crown Board of Directors.

Any students interested in getting involved with the
campaign, please contact me at 410-837-7906

Andrew Zapke
I am a student at Loyola College, and i am trying to get
the boycott to grow here. I, along with a few others,
want Fr. Ridley to take action as a member of Loyola and
not of Crown.


We were out leafleting the Baltimore Arena because it was
Crown Night at the Circus. Most of the clowns weren't in
the circus. The company was out in force and tried to get
us thrown off the property. Finally, cooler heads
prevailed and we were able to distribute thousands of
pieces of literature and held up signs.

Many headquarters employees were there and identified
themselves as loyal Crown employees.

We got lots of support despite the high percentage of
company "suits" there. A special hello to Joe Coale,
Henry's "mouthpiece" who took literature and stopped by
to say hello.

A. Robert Kaufman, Baltimore Mayoral Candidate was on
hand as well as a delegation from Jobs with Justice,
Baltimore Catholic Labor Support Committee and members of
Maryland Professional Employees Council/AFT.


Joe Drexler
In response to the question about Bill Jews, he is on the
Board of Crown Central Petroleum. In this role, he must
also be held accountable for the unjust lockout of 252
union workers, for the alleged acts of racism and
discrimination committed by Crown, and for Crown's deadly
pollution of the low-income and largely Latino
neighborhoods surrounding Crown's Pasadena refinery.


Bob davis
Carl Stokes is taking money from Henry Rosenberg. Does
anyone know if that's true? He's running for mayor.
Stokes is a sure loser. If not Mfume then Bell for mayor.

Why not Bob Kaufman for Mayor?


james broaddus
richmond va
Crown Boycott Rally

Richmond, Virginia
March 20, 1999
9:00 A.M.

Midtown Inn
3200 West Broad Street, Richmond, Va

This is a kickoff rally to Adopt-a-Station. If you have
any questions, please call me at 804-355-9153.


Columbia, Maryland
I went to the People's Expo at the convention center and
saw that on the table, there were pictures if Bill Jews.
I thought he ran Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

Does he run Crown too? What's the story? I thought he was
a pretty good brother?

I will not buy my gas at Crown anymore. Thanks for being



Pikesville, Md.
I never buy Crown gas. I won't go back until they settle
up with the union.

I always wear my BOYCOTT CROWN button on my coat every
day. People always ask me about it and I tell them about
whats going on in Texas.

Lots of people know about the boycott and tell me that
they support it.

We will win.

Mary Kambic
Sending solidarity to all Crown boycotters and Crown
workers! To give a report on Saturday's Social Ministry
Convocation in Baltimore, we hosted about 250 people at
the annual meeting at St. Marys Seminary. The theme was
"Who's Welcome at the Table?" and featured talks on
city-county discussion series and inter-parish
cooperation. There are always display tables at the
meeting, and this year, my son who is a senior in the
Christian Brothers high school, did part of his community
service staffing the table. Mom was hosting a workshop
on "culturally-diverse" parishes featuring my pastor,
Father Joe, who has been active in the Crown boycott.
Have workshop, will travel! Never say we are one-issue
folks. For this event, all the Baltimore bishops and
Cardinal Keeler visited during the day. Our new urban
vicar, Bishop Gordon Bennett, an African-American Jesuit
from California, led a prayer service. We were heartened
to greet Bishop Frank Murphy, who is so supportive of
social justice issues, and is recovering from cancer
surgery. All the members of the Labor Support Committee
were present for the convocation, and our member Anne
Ames received an award for her work as founder of a
community organization that is working on school reform.
Anne is also a recipient of a Campaign for Human
Development grant. Other CHD grantees have been FLOC, the
Farm Labor Organizing Committee, now organizing the
pickle workers in North Carolina, and many other
organizing projects.

My son's impression of participants was that many people
still were unaware of the Crown campaign, but everyone
who stopped at the table took literature plus extras.

As Holy Week approaches, we will be again planning
actions around Good Friday. Every year, PAX CHRISTI. the
Catholic peace group, sponsors a live Stations of the
Cross in downtown Baltimore. Started in New York, the
stations visit sites of modern suffering and oppression.
For the last eight years, we have focused on labor issues
at one station. Last year, we prayed at the Blaustein
Building, Crown headquarters. Generally, we have news
coverage, since we start at noon, and since PAX CHRISTI
started the tradition, other community groups have begun
their own stations. I believe, however, that ours is the
most political. I have been touched that the last two
years, homeless people have joined us as we carry a cross
through downtown.

We send solidarity greetings and will keep in touch!

Billy Martin
I support the crown boycott!
My family and I do not buy crown gasoline and we have
spread the word to our other relatives and friends to
support the boycott also.

The unions will always be needed to make sure workers are
treated fairly.


Thanks to all who stopped by the Crown Boycott booth at
the People's Expo in Baltimore on March 6-7!

We had a special guest stop by and offer his
support...Dick Gregory!

Thanks for Dr. Cathy Hughes and all of the Radio One
family for all of their help. 35,000 people attended this
We had tons of folks sign the petition to William Jews,
Blue Cross CEO and Member, Crown Board of Directors.

We let the Oriole Bird know that his team's support of
Crown was unacceptable. We are remind the people at the
Blue Cross booth that William Jews, their CEO could help
end the lockout!

William D. King
Pasadena, Texas
As a union member retired from Crown this past May I
would like to thank all the people on the East Coast who
are doing such a good job to try and help these folks
here in Pasadena. There's not a lot we can do down here,
but everyone is trying to hang in there.

I had been out at Crown for 29 years when we were locked

Once again thanks for all the hard work you people are
doing. Keep up the good work!

William D. King

Bill Panebaker
Hanover, PA 17331
To whom it may concern;

I was a part of the rally held in York, PA on March 2,
1999. It was a great pleasure to be able to participate
in the rally to bring social conscience of the boycott of
CROWN GAS. In the Hanover station members of UAW Local
1968 informational picketed on the dates of Feb 3 and Feb
16 with some success. The rally in York was sponsored by
the South Central PA UAW Cap council. Keep the faith.

Bill Panebaker
Reccording Secretary
So. Central UAW Cap

Mary Kambic
Greetings to all Crown boycotters! News from the Catholic
Labor Support Committee and Catholics for Justice at
Crown Central Petroleum...Last week the committee
received another rebuff from Father Harold Ridley, S.J.,
president of Loyola College. We have sent several
letters, plus over 100 signatures of Catholic religious
leaders from around the United States, to Fr. Ridley
requesting that he meet with representatives of the
religious community about Crown. The last letter from Fr.
Ridley tells the committee that it is not appropriate for
him to meet with us because of his "assessment of my
duties in this matter as a Director of Crown
Central..."Among the signers of the request letter are
several bishops, including Bishop Joseph Fiorenza, the
newly elected chairman of the National Conference of
Catholic Bishops. Bishops John Mc Carthy of Austin,
Texas, Nicholas D'Antonio of New Orleans, Walter Sullivan
of Richmond, and Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit also signed
the letter. Our Baltimore Committee consists of Father
Joseph Muth, pastor of St. Matthew Church, Father Joseph
Bonadio,SS, of St.Francis of Assisi Church (his father
was international president of the Building Trades), Paul
Booth, UAW retiree and member of St. Martins Church,
Sister Joan Hart, SSND, Justice and Peace Coordinator of
the School SIsters of Notre Dame, Richard Ullrich,
Director of the Marianist Office of Justice and Peace,
myself, and Chuck Michaels, Esq, member of PAX CHRISTI
Baltimore.We plan to reply to Fr. Ridley with another
forty names of Catholic men and women from around the
country. Also, this weekend, the 20th annual Social
Ministry Convocation of the Archdiocese of Baltimore will
meet at St. Marys Seminary. Sponsored by the the Catholic
Campaign for Human Develoment, Catholic Charities, and
Catholic Relief Services, the conference attracts several
hundred participants. For the fourth year, the Catholic
Labor Support Committee will have its own display and
will gather signatures for Fr. Ridley and the
Adopt-A-Station campaign. We send greetings across town
to the brothers and sisters staffing booths at the Expo!
Also, as we say every year, no donations from anyone who
makes money off exploiting workers!The Labor Committee
wants to thank Rev. Michael Szpak from the AFL-CIO for
his help, and thanks to Ed Rothstein for his great job as
boycott coordinator. Also hi!to locked-out workers in
Pasadena and hi! to Catholic-Labor Network friends,
especially Fr. Sinclair Oubre in Port Arthur. In
solidarity, Mary Kambic


Oil Person

Saw your web site. Interesting. Also, saw the latest
Crown News in the OIL DAILY. We pay about $1,200 per
year for this publication, so don't expect to find it
everywhere.Front page headline of March 1, 1999 OIL DAILY
BLOCK."embattled Texan independent refiner is finally
seeking a buyer.""union officials were quick to take
credit for Crown's troubles -- on the face of it for
partially good reason.""there's little doubt the labor
dispute has cost Crown dearly.""Crown has become target
of union-led boycott ... Crown has been forced to battle
on several legal fronts."Don't know what this is really
all about. But Crown is a dog under the Rosenbergs.
What's amazing is that a pro-industry publication like
OIL DAILY would write this. Rosenberg has really messed
up. Keep it up. A sale could make us lots of money.
Unlikely that a sale is possible without ending the labor
conflict first.

Dave Delahoussaye
Houston Tx
March 3, 1999To: Jobs With Justice Organization:My
sincere thanks to J.W.J. for being so gracious and
helpful to me and my wife, Rita, at the J.W.J. Conference
this past weekend in Louisville. Special thanks to Rev.
James Orange, Fred Azcarate, Simon Greer and man others
who went out of their way to be of service to us.Being
locked out for three years is a long time. Many times on
the picket line I have felt so alone and discouraged.
Most of the time the effort seemed so futile. But after
experiencing the wonderful J. W. J. Conference, my spirit
has been uplifted with new hope. With the help of so
many concerned, compassionate people like the ones I met
at the J. W. J. Conference, I feel confident, now, that
we will eventually win our struggle for justice.One of
the 252 locked-out union workers at the Crown Central
Petroleum Oil Refinery in Houston, Texas.David


Joe Drexler

Brother James Broaddus of PACE reports that the campaign
is building in Richmond and in Virginia. Union locals
and civil rights organizations will soon be adopting
stations for handbilling and picketing.

The Crown dealer at the corner of Charles and 21st St. in
Baltimore seems to think that the picketers should go on
welfare and leave him alone.At least thats what he told
a group of us the other night.Join the Clean Water action
folks that have adopted that station and that dealer know
that ignorant thoughts are not appreciated. I have let
the NAACP know about how this guy thinks.


Stop by our booth at The People's Expo on Saturday and
Sunday, March 6-7 at the Baltimore Convention Center.It
starts both days at noon.We'll be letting the 30,000
attendees that our community says no to racism, sexism,
union busting and destruction of the environment.Boycott


Takoma Park, Maryland
Does anyone know if Father Ridley who president of Loyola
College of Maryland is still on the Crown Board. Has he
ever met with members of the Catholic Labor Support
Committe or the National Interfaith Committee for Worker


Takoma Park, Maryland
Does anyone know if Father Ridley who president of Loyola
College of Maryland is still on the Crown Board. Has he
ever met with members of the Catholic Labor Support
Committe or the National Interfaith Committee for Worker

ed rothstein
baltimore, MD
Henry Rosenberg will be receiving another open letter
shortly. This time, it's from Jewish labor leaders and
activists. Henry's already gotten a letter signed by 375
clergy members from all over the US.


Radio Guy
Listen for the new Crown radio ads on WOL 1450 AM,
Washington, DC and WOLB 1010 AM in Baltimore starting
Monday, March 8. We'll be tell our communities about the
actions of Crown in Texas. Please call in to those
stations and let their hosts know that you support the
boycott.Thank You.Radio Guy


I just wanted to let everyone know that here in
Baltimore, we are out picketing Crown Oil Stations 3
nights a week. We get harassed by the owners but we tell
them that they need to call that Rosenberg and get him to
end the lockout. We will last one more day longer than
you Crown. Believe it. You are making no friends in the
black community in Baltimore. We have long memories in my


York, PA
I was happy to be one of 40 workers out in front of the
Crown Central Station on Rt. 30 here in York.Paul Dietz
let our local 1872 UAW in song and chants as we let our
neighbors know that the union movement is alive and well
in Adams County, PA. We stopped cars. We sang. We held
our UAW Boycott Crown posters and buttons. The bumper
stickers went on our vehicles after the rally.We were
happy to hear from Richard Boyd who is the president of
of central labor council. He spoke and was out there
waving his sign through the entire event.

Ed Rothstein
Baltimore, MD
Tuesday, March 16th at 6pm Save the date!It's Crown
FamilyNight at the Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey
Circus. Join the protest out in front of the Baltimore
Arena and bring your families. Henry Rosenberg thinks he
can buy off our kids with free tickets to the circus.
Join us as we tell him that he can't clown around while
he's destroying the lives of the 250 families who are
locked out in Pasadena, Texas at his refinery. No Henry,
we won't let you use our kids. You can't run away with
the circus. Join us that night as we create our own three
ring circus in front of the arena. Help us end this three
year old lockout! Shame on Henry Rosenberg!Shame on the
Blaustein family!Shame on Crown!


Westport, MA
I'm interested to know the outcome of the wrongful
discharge case - Lee vs. Crown. Anyone with information
please assist with this class project.


Laurel, MD
Everybody should get the opportunity to personally
boycott and picket the Crown station of their choice.
Pickets are fun and help spread the word that Crown
Petrol doesn't deserve anyone's hard earned dollars.

Dean Cook - locked out by Crown
Deer Park, Tx
Locked out Crown workers will hook up with Catfish
Workers and Titan Tire strikers for a roadtrip to D.C. to
participate protest by Black Farmers on March 2. The
Black Farmers & Agriculturalist Association is organizing
the rally in Washington to protest the forced settlement
of the discrimination lawsuit they have against the
Department of Agriculture. The February 5th rally at
Crown's refinery in Pasadena, Texas was such a success,
the locked out workers plan another rally for May Day.
See the "unofficial" Lockout website for more

Robert Phillips
Houston, Texas
February 4, 1999, Robert Phillips, Phyllis Miller, A.
Danny Duncan and Rick Abraham (Director, Texans United)
attended an ECHMA Conference which was held at the
Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena, Texas. ECHMA is
the East Harris County Manufacturer's Association. They
were in the process of having a communication kick-off
event. They had a panel of experts who were reporting on
the 'worst case' scenarios in the event of a hazardous
leak, explosion, etc. Those invited were management
personnel from various refineries as well as the media.
Upon arriving at the conference, Bill Tyler (Crown Human
Resources Director) spotted Robert Phillips coming in the
door. He immediately proceeded to get a security guard
to escort Robert out of the building. Robert left the
convention building and remained outside the building
where he handed out leaflets. Once those inside the
building realized that he was outside handing out
leaflets, they walked outside to get a copy of the
leaflet and returned inside the building. Robert,
Phyllis, Danny and Rick handed out approximately 250
leaflets before being allowed to enter the building.
Once inside, Rick Abraham was allowed to speak before the
group. He asked the conferees why labor was not invited
to the conference. On February 12, 1999, Robert received
an answer from ECHMA stating that the reason for labor
not being invited to the conference was because they
employed labor and felt they were already involved. The
3rd year rally commemorating the lock out of the Crown
employees was held on Friday, February 5, 1999 at the
PACEIU Local 4-0227 Union hall. The event was well
attended by other local unions, i.e., IBEW, Steelworkers,
Catfish Workers, Black Farmers Association, Mine
Workers,CWA, Harris County AFL-CIO Council and many
others. We were happy to have Assistant to the President
of PACEIU, Dean Alexander as well as Vice President Jim
Byrd present who read a letter from PACEIU President Boyd
Young supporting the locked out employees. We picketed
the Crown Administration building and refinery. Due to
the great number of those present at the picketing, the
police were asked called and asked that we move as we
were blocking the street. We also returned to the Hall
to have refreshments and allow those to share their
individual plights.On Tuesday, February 12, 1999, Rick
Abraham and Robert Phillips attended the Galena Park
Neighborhood Association meeting at the Galena Park High
School in Galena Park, Texas. There were approximately
400 people in attendance who were expressing their
concerns and anger over the pollution in the area from
Crown Central Petroleum and Simpson Paper Company.
Robert and Rick handed out about 800 magnets which stated
"Tired of Crown's Pollution? Call 713-920-2831 HARRIS
COUNTY POLLUTION CONTROL". Robert and Rick have been
asked to meet with this group again in the next few
weeks.February 24, 1999 - Robert attended the Harris
County AFL-CIO meeting and received an endorsement from
them as well as the PACEIU, Building & Trades Council and
other environmental groups for the "Principles for Clean
Air" which represents a foundation and a guide for
actions that are necessary to protect public health and
welfare, our economy, and to meet the standards of the
Clean Air Act as composed by Rick Abrahams. We, the
officers of PACEIU Local 4-0227 (Tom Gentry-President;
Joe Campbell-Secretary-Treasurer; and Alvin
Freeman-Chairman of the Crown group) wish to extend to
all those who have given so much of themselves to help us
fight our cause against Crown Central Petroleum. It has
been due largely to your support - financially, morally
and spiritually which has helped us endure the past three
years. On behalf of the families of those locked out, we
also wish to express our gratitude during our greatest
struggle.Alvin Freeman and John Grant, both locked out
employees, attended the rally held at the Crown Corporate
headquarters (Blaustein Building) on February 11, 1999.
Both John and Alvin spoke about our plight to
approximately 200 people. They were well received and
supported by the Baltimore Labor Council. A special
thanks goes to Ernie Grecco, President of the Baltimore
Labor Council. Currently David Delahoussaye, Crown
locked-out employee, is in Louisville, Kentucky at a Jobs
with Justice Conference where he will speak to
approximately 700 delegates regarding the Crown


According to a highly reputable source, Crown CEO Henry
Rosenberg aka Horrible Henry feels persecuted by the
unions. Well Henry, there is one way to stop that guilty
feeling that you have. End the lockout! It's really that

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