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forgiveness asked from unions
Author Mary Kambic
Date 00/04/18/12:30

(continuation) Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On Palm Sunday in Baltimore, Father Joseph Muth, pastor of St. Matthews, wrote a letter to the community in which he asked forgiveness from groups who have been hurt by the Church. Following the example of Pope John Paul II, Father Joe asked pardon from "Labor unions, who even though the church has a 100 year history of support, many times have not received that support." Also, Father Joe asks pardon "from low-income and non-benefit workers, who are the mainstay of many corporations, who have not experienced the support of the Catholic community, even though prominent Catholics sit on their corporate boards." Father Joe adds "You all are the stones which the builder rejected that have the power and the possibility of becoming the keystone of the future structure of the Kingdom, of the Beloved Community. As we move into Holy Week and walk the "lonely" walk of Jesus, we also recognize all of those who continue to walk that walk. In Luke 19:40 as Jesus was asked to keep his disciples quiet he answered, "If they were to keep silence, I tell you the very stones would cry out. May Resurrection burst upon the whole Church! Our Ash Wednesday Liturgy said 'Now is the acceptable time! Now is the day of salvation'(IICor6:2)What are we waiting for?" CAtholics for Justice at Crown send this hopeful message to our friends who work for Justice...on Good Friday, we will again carry a cross through downtown Baltimore and visit the Crown national headquarters and other sites we select to highlight injustices of our time...Mary Kambic

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