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Catholics for Justice at Crown remember 4th anniversary
Author Mary Kambic
Date 00/02/06/21:13

Catholics for Justice at Crown Central have been meeting monthly now for a year. Our members are two priests from Baltimore parishes, Fr. Joe Muth and Fr. Joe Bonadio, lay activist Paul Booth, from St. Martins Church; Mary Kambic from St. Matthews, and Dick Ullrich from the Marianist Brothers and Priests, and Sister Joan Hart,SSND, from the School Sisters of Notre Dame. This month we were in touch with the locked out workers from Texas about obtaining ash from the refinery so Father Joe can hold an "Ash Wednesday" type of service. Yesterday,on the 4th anniversary of the lockout, I brought some hot off the press newsletters to Loyola, and some signs asking Fr. Ridley to leave the Board of Directors of Crown. THere is a lot of traffic at the intersection, and motorists stopped to ask what was going on. The Boycott Crown poster gave the message! We have also sent the newsletter to our faithful committee members and community contacts. Father Sinclair Oubre from Port Arthur called last week, to touch base with us about the anniversary. He also sent a message to our national friends asking them to remember the Crown lockout this week. Father Sinclair is a friend of locked out workers, and has recently been named to the board of the Interfaith committee for Worker Justice, so you know the locked out folks will be remembered at national meetings. Now we will get ready for the Social Ministry Convocation, where hundreds of Catholics gather every year to discuss change and justice. I am happy to report that Catholics for Justice always have a table at the gathering and many visitors during the day. Greetings to everyone from our committee!

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