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Dutch FNV union support.
Author G.Groenewegen van der Weijden
Date 99/05/15/08:43

The biggest Dutch union FNV supports the case of the lock-out workers of the Crown -oil Company.
We have good relations with other unions in the Netherlands , Europe and other Countries, including the USA
We will not hesitate to inform the public of any Company which seeks business with Company’s with policy’s such as the Crown-oil Company.
Many of the Dutch based companies have already adopted a balanced policy on economical, social and environmental issues.
This include cooperation with stake holders like consumer and environmental organizations
They are aware of the effects that such publications will have on their license to operate locally, and indeed all over the world.


G.Groenewegen van der Weijden
Boardmember of the FNV AG Botlek
The Botlek is the main industie area in Rotterdam, Holland.
The AG is the board which combines the Locals of FNV in the Botlek area.

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