Occupation forces losing control
Source Louis Proyect
Date 04/12/01/00:05

Today's Counterpunch has an article by Patrick Cockburn that says the

"There are no safe havens. Since March, 14 British civilians have been
killed. Not only have insurgents proved capable of putting a bomb on a
plane, but on 14 October two suicide bombers entered the heavily
fortified Green Zone and blew themselves up, killing five people and
injuring many more.

"Danger levels in the capital are also increasing; some of the
resistance fighters who were previously in Fallujah have taken refuge in
Baghdad. They may wish to launch spectacular attacks to offset the fall
of Fallujah, which had been the de facto capital of the insurgents.

"The Iraqi government and the US Army suffered losses yesterday from two
of the insurgents' favourite weapons: suicide bombs and roadside bombs.
No effective defence has been found against either."

While your first reaction might be to discount his report because he is
Alexander Cockburn's brother, you have to also keep in mind that Patrick
is no fire-breathing radical himself and writes for the mainstream press

If you want further proof of the deteriorating situation for the
occupiers, there's no better source than Time Magazine bureau chief in
Iraq Michael Ware, a native Australian. Last night I heard him on Air
America basically saying the same sort of thing as Patrick Cockburn. He
was also a guest on CNN the other day where the following exchange took

ANDREA KOPPEL: It's difficult to understand the situation in Iraq unless
you've seen it for yourself. Michael Ware has been reporting on the war
for "Time" magazine and has seen both sides of the conflict. He gained
exclusive access to the insurgents and spent months with them. He also
was embedded with the U.S. Army during the battle of Falluja. And he
recently spoke do CNN's Aaron Brown.


AARON BROWN, CNN ANCHOR: You've been in and out of there for two years.
You'll be back in there probably sooner than you want. Do you have a
sense that, on the military side, progress is being made?

MICHAEL WARE, TIME: To put it simply, no. No, I don't. I mean, I don't
have any sense of victory or a sense that the coalition, the West is
winning right now. I mean, it seems to me we're losing ground
figuratively and literally.

Just from my own example. Nine months ago, I could travel the breadth of
Iraq. Sure, it was dangerous, it was risky, but it was calculated. Then
that ceased. And I was restricted to Baghdad itself. And the only way I
could leave Baghdad was if the insurgents took me and guaranteed my
safety. Now I can't believe my compound. Kidnap teams circle my house.
And even in my compound, they mortar -- drop bombs on our house. And in
parts of Baghdad itself, the U.S. military has lost control.

The terrorists of Abu Musab al Zarqawi control entire quarters or
suburbs. One of them Haifa Street, the most famous, is within mortar
range of the U.S. Embassy itself.

And every day we're creating more recruits for the insurgents. And every
day more young men from outside Iraq, from the Muslim world, the grieved
and disenfranchised, are rising up and coming to join the fight, to
blood themselves. Right now, we are the midwives of the next generation
of jihad, of the next al Qaeda.

So the very thing that the administration says it went there to prevent,
it is creating. And despite the honor and the bravery and the uncommon
valor that I see among the American boys there in uniform who are
fighting this grinding war day to day, when I see them dying in front of
me, I can't help but think that perhaps they're dying in vain. Because
we're making the nightmare that we're trying to prevent.

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