RED ALERT - Red Cross Horrified by Number of Dead Civilians
Source Ralph Johansen
Date 03/04/07/00:27

RED ALERT - Red Cross Horrified by Number of Dead Civilians

Anyone not profoundly moved to stop this savage carnage after reading
these descriptions of the deaths and dismemberment being perpetrated in our
name, and after learning of depleted uranium, cluster bombs, and massive
fire power being used indiscriminately in Iraq cities, has lost all

We must storm our local organs of government, local, state and federal,
demanding that those who represent us in the conduct of government, do all
they can immediately to stop this, and we must take over their offices, and
occupy them, in waves of protest, unless and until they agree to do what we
consider to be all that they can do to stop this genocide.

You're either with the human species or you're against it.

--Ralph Johansen

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