Vandalism, a Dead-End Tactic at Toronto G20 Demonstrations
Source Dave Anderson
Date 10/06/29/12:45
Vandalism, a Dead-End Tactic at Toronto G20 Demonstrations
by: Bryan Farrell

During Saturday’s nonviolent protest of about 5,000 activists outside
the conference center in downtown Toronto, where leaders of the G20
were meeting, several hundred masked figures dressed in black broke
away from and started torching police cars and smashing store fronts.
Not only did this steal the attention away from the peaceful
protesters, but it got a lot of them hurt and arrested. By the end of
the day’s events, the police had beat activists and journalists, fired
tear gas and rubber bullets and arrested more than 560 people.

Just about anyone following the G20 could have seen this coming. In
the weeks before, Canada was busy building what The Guardian called
“the toughest security cordon in the history of the summit,” spending
an estimated $1 billion dollars and bringing in 19,000 police
officers. So, clearly it was ready to use them. But more importantly,
why was it so ready to use them?

Some might point to the threat of vandalism promised by a group of
Ontario anarchists a month before the summit. In a message to its
members, the Southern Ontario Anarchist Resistance (SOAR), announced
its plan to stage “militant protests” and to “humiliate the security
apparatus” by using “a variety of tactics”—a common phrase used by
anarchists who perceive nonviolent action as ineffective. But as is so
often the case, such dismissal stems from a complete lack of knowledge
as to the dynamics of nonviolent action.

In what sounds like a reasonable appeal, SOAR told its members,
“Respect for diversity of tactics also means not smashing things while
we’re part of the labour child-friendly march, and remembering that
although we might think certain tactics are pointless/annoying, we
should not needlessly antagonize those people.”

What these anarchists don’t seem to realize is that nonviolent
campaigns lose their power and are generally rendered pointless when
they are associated with people who act violently.

This is why governments are always eager to paint their critics as
violent, and sometimes, as police in Quebec did two years ago, plant
saboteurs to incite violence. In fact, there’s been some speculation
that the security forces in Toronto encouraged acts of destruction. In
regards to the three police cars that were set on fire, The Guardian

Questions are being asked as to why the police chose to drive the
vehicles into the middle of a group of protesters and then abandon
them, and why there was no attempt to put out the flames until the
nation’s media had been given time to record the scenes for broadcast
around the world.

If this is true, it doesn’t really say much for SOAR and the
effectiveness of its “variety of tactics” approach. It suggests that
they are considered more of a convenient pawn than a serious threat.
In fact, the real threat is a strong nonviolent movement able to
appeal to the public by exposing the illegitimacy of the G20. It’s
only on the surface that the security apparatus is able to justify a
massive crackdown based on threats of vandalism. No mega-corporation
is facing serious existential danger because of some smashed windows.

Of course, this anarchist offshoot has argued the contrary, saying
that since mass audiences “generally dismiss every form of direct
action and every radical cause” (a claim that is not supported), there
isn’t any utility in trying to win the public over to a given cause.
Therefore, the point of their destructive action is to “put people on
notice that there exists active insurrectionary resistance, right here
in the belly of the beast”—an explanation that could ironically apply
to a nonviolent campaign as well.

Another point of contention that should be noted is that SOAR and
other anarchists like them do not view themselves as violent. As one
masked protester told the Toronto Star newspaper: “This isn’t
violence. This is vandalism against violent corporations. We did not
hurt anybody. [The corporations] are the ones hurting people.”

Unfortunately, this rings as a rather naive, if not even disingenuous,
statement. There are differing views on whether or not vandalism is a
form of violence and while there’s no doubt it pales in comparison to
the violence corporations engage in every day, it does scare people
and furthermore leads to a string of unintended consequences.

In Toronto, it led to the passage of draconian laws that violate
Canada’s charter of rights and freedoms. At least one family had their
home mistakenly broken into by gun-brandishing police officers. Also,
“non-lethal” weapons, such as tear gas, were used for the first time
ever on the public citizenry of Toronto.

Anarchists engaged in vandalism may continue to dismiss the role they
play in the perpetuation of violence, but they will do so at their own
peril. There is no evidence of their tactics working toward any kind
of positive change.

Looking back on the World Trade Organization protests in Seattle 10
years ago, we do not hear anyone applauding the work of those who
smashed windows. If anything it’s taken 10 years to overcome those
images and get people to recognize that Seattle was a largely
nonviolent campaign that effectively shut down the WTO for years to

Perhaps the most encouraging result of the aftermath was that
Seattle’s police chief not only apologized to the peaceful protesters
but also came around to seeing their perspective and has become a
critic of globalization. If there’s any chance of that happening
again, it’s going to be through undisturbed nonviolent action.

None of this is to say, however, that the nonviolent protesters in
Toronto are blameless for the general dismissal of their action. They
bare responsibility for not figuring out a way to distinguish
themselves from the anarchist vandals. Nearly every anti-globalization
demonstration is hijacked by this group and nonviolent activists
should have a plan for dealing with them by now.

Finally, G20 activists have done a poor job of making their demands
known. The array of groups and issues present at G20 demonstrations
confuses the public and rather than try to figure out how all the
issues are connected, they just write everyone off as a bunch of
misfits and societal castoffs.

The good news is that in the world of nonviolence, these are
surmountable problems. Nonviolence isn’t the one tactic anarchists
make it out to be. In his book Waging Nonviolent Struggle, Gene Sharp
identified 198 methods of nonviolent action. If G20 activists can
isolate the ones that aren’t working for them and employ new ones,
perhaps the next demonstration will close the gap between the
frustrated anarchists and the ignored peaceful protesters.

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