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Unfair parking signs near Fairgrounds
Author Sandra Martinez
Date 18/08/31/15:42
Hit Count 224

Unfair parking signs near Fairgrounds

After the Colorado State Fair Parade last Saturday morning, several community patrons were shocked to discover RMA Towing had towed their vehicles for parking in what was once known Rojas Restaurant parking lot.

The bamboozled community patrons missed seeing the posted private parking signs on the far back south end of the parking lot and on the east side of the building. Wouldn’t an honest business prefer to have clear signage, upfront at the main entrance, near the handicapped parking area, for the community patrons to see? No one would have parked there.

Community patrons energized by a great parade were shaken, calling to verify where and how to retrieve their vehicles, and stunned by the cost of the tow charge. “Two hundred and eighty dollars and nine cents.” said a rude woman over the phone. Tough you have to pay that amount and tough you parked on private property was the sentiment. RMA Towing relayed that the owners of Rojas are tired of people parking on their property.

News footage about the incident, votes in jeopardy or game over prompted the placement of “the sign” on a metal post inserted in an orange cone next to the handicapped parking spaces up front and visible for all to see the following day.

As a community, let’s support honest businesses. The essence of the community are the patrons who support the events Downtown.

Sandra Martinez, Pueblo

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