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Private parking should be posted
Author Kay Stark
Date 18/09/09/22:13
Hit Count 251

ON AUG.24, NUMEROUS families were enjoying the Colorado State Fair Parade that was being held on Main Street. Parking was difficult to find, but there was a lot at old Jorge's, which is where we parked. There were zero private parking or towing signs at the entrance.

Upon completion of the parade, we returned to find that our car, among many others, had been towed, and it cost $280 to get our vehicle back. We returned to the scene of the "crime" and noticed three signs that said private property, vehicles will be towed. Those signs were located on the other side of the building, one in a tree in the back, and one in the very back by the Chamber of Commerce building. Many of the vehicles that were towed were from out of town and I can tell you the comments about returning to Pueblo for any reason were not good.

I would like to request that our city officials, i.e. the City Council, do something to stop the deceptive practice that RM Towing is doing. They say they are only doing their job. Well, City Council, you have the power to make sure that every parking space in the city of Pueblo that is private parking has a 24x24 sign posted at that the space is private, so the general population knows that cars parked there are subject to towing.
Kay Stark, Pueblo

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