Pueblo Universalists

"Those people are dangerous."
-Linda Ohmans-

               Better UU Mousetrap

"De todos bajo el gran sol
Surja esperanza, fe, amor
Verdad, y belleza cantando,
de cada tierra, cada voz.

"From all that dwell below the skies
Let faith and hope with love arise
Let beauty, truth, and good be sung
Through every land by every tongue."
               Isaac Watts, 1674-1748

En todos lados del gran mundo,
Humanidad con fe profundo
Se va cantando espero por
Beldad, verdad, bondad, amor.

              -10 December, 2006-

16 March, 2015
"Regarding the development of the new website, we apologize
on behalf of FUS for making you feel devalued as a friend
and contributor to FUS. In the future, we plan on making all
http://webshells.com/cgi-bin/pblo/affa/affa.pl friends and members aware of any changes that may affect them."

-Acker, FUS Board of Directors-
On 6/5/21 11:59 AM, First Unitarian Society of Pueblo wrote:
Dear Doug,
In reviewing past experiences, and receiving a number of complaints, including a recent complaint of severe and concerning nature,
we, the board of First Unitarian Society of Pueblo, have decided that we are no longer a good fit for you, and that you are no longer
a fit for us. We need you to find another community to engage in spiritual and social connections.
Please don't put either you, or us, in an awkward position. If you come to our Sunday services, or any social gathering or event,
you will not be admitted, and will be asked to leave. We wish you well in your search in finding another community with which to
engage, and perhaps you already have.
If you would like to meet with the board we can accommodate this. Respond to this email and we will arrange a time.
Thank you for your understanding,
First Unitarian Society Board of Directors

Carol Meadows
Louise Burg
Shawn Collins
Madelyn Birgers

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